
The British Senate Subscriptions
If you are lucky enough to have been made a JCI Senator, and you live in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands, then you are eligible to be a member of the British Senate.
A JCI Senatorship is a lifetime award and as a result of Senatorships being awarded over many years, senator organisations have been created in countries across the globe. These organisations are separate from JCI and are entirely self supporting.

We ask that each year, the members of the British Senate make a contribution of £25 each, (overseas addresses £35). Why do we do this, and how do our members benefit?

• The British Senate supports JCI UK in various ways. We offer bursaries to JCI UK new members to attend international events, we sponsor the JCI UK Most Outstanding New Member Award, which is a trophy and financial support to attend an international event
• We have an interactive and up to date website, setting out events both nationally and internationally, online booking facilities, and useful information on what we are all about.
• A British Senate Newsletter combining news from the British Senate and JCI UK as well as regular e-mail updates from the Chairman.
• The European Newsletter
• The British Senate Business Directory, promoting Senators who wish to do business with each other
• Insurance – needed for events run by senators throughout the year

We are very lucky to have a thriving and active Senate organisation, but to keep pace this does mean that we incur administrative expenses too, such as webhosting and design updates, postage, and room hire. Expenses are kept to a minimum, in particular Chairman’s expense’s, which are capped and have strictly controlled usage parameters, with clear expectations of what events the Chairman should attend, but we could not function as an organisation without these costs being incurred.

To those who already contribute – thank you. Without you, we could not do what we do.
To those that contribute more, or sponsor particular events or budgetary items a special thank-you as we could not function so successfully without this support.
To those who have not updated your standing order in the last few years, we would be very grateful if you would. With the advent of banking online, it is a click of a button.
To those that do not, would you like to? We can send you the details to set up a standing order, and you too could benefit from all that the British Senate has to offer.

In Senate Fellowship
British Senate Council

Standing Order form (pdf)